Monday, January 5, 2009

I feel kinda bad

I went to the Knight's house on Saturday so he could help fix my arms so they'd finally stop chocking me and falling off. They work really good now, well as far as I can tell since I haven't fought in them yet.

What I feel kinda bad about is that I had to finish up so work on them at home before I could wear them out on the field. I didn't do it Saturday night because I wanted to just hang out at home and goof off. I figured I'd take care of it in the morning before practice since I'm usually up early anyway.

Then I couldn't sleep, so I ended up not going to bed until like 20 till 3. Which means I woke up late, which means I didn't have all the time I thought I would have to complete things... All this ended up with me finishing it up about 2:40... Practice "officially" starts at 2, and they were trying to start early this week too. I didn't call or anything, I just didn't go. It's a bad habit... I feel bad for not going, so I don't talk to anyone about it. It's not like I've made a bunch of commitments or anything to anyone but myself, however I felt like I was kind of a jerk for taking up the guys time helping me get my stuff together and then don't go use it.

Ok I went and dropped an email.

I will be going to pell practice, but the other thing I realized this morning was that there won't be any Sunday practices for the next two weeks because of events (Winter Art/Sci & Scots-Welsh). *sigh* Still pell practice is where I'll learn the tools to be good, so I think that if I could only make one practice in a given week, I'd try to make that one. At least for now.

Now I'm off to try and shoehorn a college class into my schedule. Hooray!

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