Friday, April 3, 2009


Was a good night. The weather had been terrible earlier in the afternoon, but by the time practice was due to start it was pretty much gone. We got to practice lakeside though, due to the heavy heavy rain. Will was back this week, and since Kevin and Joslyn weren't up for fighting, it was just him, Jen and I on the field. We took turns in the center in a haphazard sort of fashion so it was an easygoing night.

Will picked up some stuff at war, so he was definitely even more of a challenge this time. He was worried about hitting too stiff, because apparently the guys at war wouldn't take just a touch as a kill. I told him not to worry because I stepped into Billy w/ my shoulder last week and it hurt for a second but I was OK. He did catch my kneecap with the edge though later on. Not hard or anything, just enough to go "ow". He was trying to work on my disengage since I had no game with it. He'd come on with the blade swirl and POP I was dead...

I did something really cool though. My arm is finally GETTING it. Without even realizing it I started to do the parries the right way with the wrist twist and flick thing instead of moving the hilt to block. Jen wanted to fight me again even though she killed me because she said it was a good exchange and lots of good parries.

No pell that night. I texted Mittion and he said no practice. *sigh*

We'll see what Sunday holds. :)

8 days till Tourney of The Rose and I have a lot of sewing to do. A LOT.

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