I figure I should probably make a jacket sooner rather than later. I'll also have to make something to wear over the jacket should I decide to fight at events. But that's a ways in the future yet, as I don't want to embarrass myself that badly yet. Funny how I know I'm just as crappy at heavy right now, yet I'd be more shy about showing off my lack of skill in light... I guess because it's really two different mindsets. I have the idea that if you come out, get in armor, and try that you get a certain amount of respect rather than saying you're not ready. Eh. Then again I'm messed in the head, so what do I know?
And after 3 or 4 weeks of trying I finally can get a consistent snap off on the pell. HAPPY! So now it's working on the wrap... I think it's coming along a little better, since my hips are learning what they need to do, it's more about adjusting the timing. And rolling my wrist, and not swinging out instead of straight down.
I love this style of training. There's purpose, that's explained(!), in every move, shot and block. I'm not just told "do it this way because I'm successful and that's the way I do it." I don't work well with that kind of philosophy. I have to know the whys or else if I can't see them myself I feel like it's a waste of time. I don't want to waste time, I want to train.
When I fought before, I had a kind of "pie in the sky" type of hope of one day wearing the white belt. I never really thought it could happen though. I wasn't strong or fast enough. I just couldn't seem to progress past solid novice. I admit part of that was my own fault since I didn't do pell work or any kind of training outside fighter practice, but I still felt that it could never be a reality. Now I think I might just have a chance. Maybe. A little one.
Ok fun stuff:
You know you're a fighter when - You see something like this and your first reaction is, "Man that's awesome. I'd hate to have to get through that gate."

Courtesy to gurdymonkey's LJ for the picture which I thought was too cool.
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